Celebrating the World’s First Smoothie


If you love smoothies, you have lassi (pronounced LUH-see) to thank. The cool, creamy, refreshing yogurt drink from the Punjab region of India has been around for literally thousands of years—the first references to lassi appear in texts from as long ago as 1000 B.C. Who knows? Without lassi, the modern smoothie as we know it may not even exist!

Like all good smoothies, a lassi is much more than a delicious beverage—it’s also a satisfying snack. Made from yogurt thinned a bit with purified water, fruit puree, and spices for extra flavor, lassis are loaded with protein, calcium, vitamins A, and B12. The different flavors add a level of healthy indulgence and variety—and health benefits of their own—but the creamy, probiotic-rich yogurt remains the star.

At dosa by DOSA, we wanted to create fun, modern lassi flavors that honor the rich culinary tradition of this amazing drink. Our four delicious flavors—Turmeric Banana, Cardamom Mango, Cayenne Tamarind, and Peppercorn Berry—offer something for everyone, and the grab-and-go bottles are perfect for busy days.

Incredible Flavors, Incredible Nutrition

Every lassi starts with one crucial ingredient: yogurt. Its creamy texture and distinct tanginess are so central to the drink that some versions are seasoned with just a little salt or sugar—but we think lassis are at their best when other flavors join the party.

Each of our lassis features a carefully chosen duo of ripe, fresh fruit and spice. These flavor combinations work perfectly with the yogurt’s natural tartness, and its creaminess amplifies the unique flavor profile of the fruit and spices. Our lassis are sweet and juicy, which you would expect from a drink made with fresh fruit—but that sweetness is balanced with plenty of acidity and an unmistakable hint of warmth from the spices. All these complex flavors add up to a uniquely delicious drink you truly have to taste to believe.

Our lassis are delicious, first and foremost—but they’re also so much more. The yogurt base is naturally high in protein, calcium, and vitamins; each combination of fruit and spices adds its own health benefits. All the spices in our lassis—turmeric, cardamom, cayenne, and peppercorns—are high in antioxidants, which protect our cells from damaging free radicals (bonus: turmeric and black pepper also boast potent anti-inflammatory properties.) Our fresh fruit ingredients—mango, banana, tamarind, strawberries, and raspberries—add dietary fiber and a wide range of nutrients, including vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium.

Whichever flavor tickles your fancy, one thing’s for sure: Our lassis are as good for you as they are for your tastebuds.


dosa by DOSA 2023: Combining Complex, Authentic Flavors With a Fresh Perspective on Indian Cuisine!


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